Undergraduate Researcher, UC Berkeley
Graphene is likely the most revolutionary material in decades due to its impressive properties; mechanical (e.g. Young’s Modulus of 1.0 terapascal), electrical and thermal.
Sample of Monolayer (palest blue) and Bilayer (less pale blue) Graphene, along with Bulk Graphite (dark blue)
Most of this semesters research time was spent producing samples of monolayer graphene and Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2) for experimentation. This exfoliation process begins by cleaning silica chips with acetone to create a pure substrate. These chips are then used as a substate for graphite (or MoS2) samples which are created using the adhesive tape method. Amongst the bulk chunks, small 1 atom thick monolayer graphene flakes (3 atom thick monolayer in the case of MoS2) can be observed under an optical microscope. Each samples location can then be recorded for future experimentation.
Raman Spectroscopy is then used to confirm that the sample is monolayer as intended, as the optical microscope method is too subjective to be 100% accurate. Following confirmation that the monolayer sample is as intended, further processing can be undertaken using various lasers to alter the properties of the graphene. Defects and patterns in the graphene can be created.
In collaboration with the Physics department at UC Berkeley, I programmed a laser ablation pattern, used for audio speaker applications with graphene components. This is a continuation of previous UC Berkeley experimentation in this field. I also was afforded the opportunity to learn about and perform many of the laser patterning experimentations, under the supervision of a PhD student. Below is an example of a test of a basic laser pattern.
Learning Outcomes
- Corporate/Industry practices, including reporting to and receiving feedback from superiors
- Matlab & Simulink development
- Robotics theory
- Basic Understanding of more advanced control systems (MPC, LMPC)
- Software/Hardware Integration and debugging